The Driving Standards Agency have done a U-turn on their plans to make it compulsory for learner drivers to have their driving instructor or accompanying driver present in the car when they take their driving test.

The plans which were first proposed in the 2008 "Learning To Drive" Consultation Paper were intended to be introduced from October 2010.

Transport Secretary, Lord Andrew Adonis said that the change of plan was "to avoid unnecessary regulation".

Instead, test candidates will be "encouraged" to have their accompanying driver present throughout the test.

Lord Adonis said;
"We want all learner drivers, from the start of the process, to consider the benefits of having an observer with them on their test.

'Having someone sitting in will enhance their learning experience and, in turn, improve road safety. An observer who has witnessed the test can give far better advice to the learner on how they performed and what areas of their driving they need to work on - whether they pass or fail.

'But after reviewing plans we have decided that encouraging candidates to take an observer is much more appropriate than introducing regulations to make it compulsory."

For more details please see;

Daily Mail:  Government drops plans to force driving instructors to sit in on their pupils L-tests

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