Summer video contest invites teens to promote safe driving

Jun 10 2010, 8:48 AM 

Calling all teens: Defensive Driving School wants to see you put your fantastic, creative brains to work by submitting a video on how to drive safely. The summer video campaign kicks off Thursday, June 10, 2010. The Grand Prize winner will receive an iPad, the 2nd place winner will receive their choice of an iPod or $200 cash and the 3rd place winner will receive $100 cash. The videos need to be educational, but having fun with out-of-the-box thinking is strongly encouraged as well.

Here are the details:
� Submit your video on a safe-driving related topic to brett @
� Videos will be judged based on content (inclusion of facts), humor, musical element, creativity and peer votes.
� Suggested length should be between two and three minutes.
� By entering your video, you grant Defensive Driving School permission to transmit or reproduce it in any form it chooses (Website, Facebook, YouTube, etc).
� Please be sure to include your name/names and contact information including phone numbers and emails.
� Submission deadline: August 31, 2010.

This is your chance to deliver a message on safe driving that will educate the public on how to be the best drivers we can be. Defensive Driving School will not only feature the videos on our Facebook page and promote them to our thousands of students, we will also promote the three winners in the media.

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