Tyler: Hello! How may I help you today?
You: I have a gift card. How do I complete the online order? There doesn't seem to be a place to enter in the information.
Tyler: Gift cards are in store only
You: I live near Seattle. How can I use the gift card?
Tyler: Sorry but thats a in store item only you can only use it in a local advance store 
You: Ridiculous.
Tyler: I am sorry you feel that way but it says when you buy it in store only 
You: It was a gift to me...hence the name: gift card.
Tyler: Well people buy them because they think they are accepted online and never read the details 
You: Perhaps you should instigate a change in the company. Every other store on the planet with gift cards accepts them for online purchases.
Tyler: Every other store just not us at this time sorry 
You: Does the value of the card ever expire?
Tyler: I dont think so it should say in the front if it does but I dont see why 
You: Okay. What states are you in?
Tyler: Sorry but there is not store in Washington at this time. At this time only in the east coast and Texas 
You: Thanks.
Tyler: Thank you for chatting with Advance Auto Parts. Join us on FaceBook!

I want you to know that I had to work for the card in question. I got it last year at the Driving School Association of the Americas conference after I participated in a focus group for Advance Auto Parts. I was cleaning my desk today, found it and decided to go online and finally use it. How was I supposed to know its limitations? 
This is what I wanted. It's only $14.99. But with $8.66 for shipping, it quickly ate up the card's value. HmphI didn't really want to organize my car anyway.

Give Away Rules:
1. You must live on the United States' East Coast or in Texas.
2. Leave a comment with your name and email/contact info.
3. Winner will be chosen using random.org.

Extra Entries given to those who share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, or another social media site. You must come back and leave a separate comment for each time you share. 

And one more thing...the deadline will be next Thursday. I will announce the winner on Friday, December 9, 2011.

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