I got a good chuckle today when reading what Angus and Phil have to say about New Year resolutions.
Angus & Phil by Annie Taylor Lebel
Day one of arriving ten minutes was a success. Arriving ten minutes early and leaving ten minutes earlier are not the same thing. No, they definitely are not. I believe I was trying to leave 20 minutes earlier in order to actually do it.

So, just before we left for church this morning, when I discovered that I hadn't put our dinner in the crock pot, I actually had a few minutes extra to do it. Phew. That saved me from having to alter dinner prep later.

We did indeed arrive ten minutes early to church this morning and were by no means the first family to arrive. Would you believe that there were lots of other people there that early, too? Whoa. We didn't have to sneak in during the invocation or find a large enough pew in the back. Nope. Ten minutes early was stress-free. And a happy car ride with no arguing in the back seat. Love it.

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