You would be excused for wondering if I�ve been watching too much Joey on �I�m a Celebrity�, but there is method in my apparent madness.  The following 2 examples are guaranteed to crop up on your 5 day intensive driving course in Peterborough

The first example is when we can use traffic coming from our left or straight over, to block the traffic coming from our right!  Blockers....there�s an idea!  Take a look at it in action here

The second example is when we need to initially drive over to our left, in order to drive round the roundabout.  Looking in that left side mirror before you do so, is a #gooddrivinghabit  Take a look here at how this is useful.

Good luck and keep monitoring this blog for more classic Joey one-liners!

BIG TOM Driving School   5 Day Intensive Driving Course in Peterborough 01733 306016

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