I hate driving tests.  Any kind of test really stinks.  I remember very well that feeling of loneliness and complete despair when I would read a question in a school exam and not have a clue what the answer was � that really is a horrible place to be.  But this driving test business is something else.  Why do they make people go through this process?  Doesn�t seem right to me.  I don�t even like these make believe tests they do at work, all those faces watching me, or listening in to my calls with customers, it is so intimidating.  Is this all designed to be �character building�?  �Character demolishing� more like.

I did a few mock tests with my driving instructor � boy he takes it so seriously, �get a life you saddo!�.  I�m pretty sure he just loves sitting there watching me mess up.  And I pay him to do that!  How stupid am I?  I never felt brilliant after the mocks, there was always something that he would have to nit pick about � where I was looking on one of those stupid manoover things (is that how you spell it?), or leaving my signal on, or my speed, it was never ever completely right.  But I got fed up with them in the end.  I�d rather pay the money and do the real test, even if I fail right?  I did think about changing instructor again, but I couldn�t be asked to have to listen to yet another one�s endless life story, I�m fed up with driving instructors.

So, I didn�t sleep well last night.  Just like the night before my other driving tests�. my heart is going so fast, I can�t fall asleep.  All I�m thinking about is what the examiner is going to be like.  When I do finally fall asleep the alarm goes off.  I didn�t know what to wear this morning (again).  Every time I�ve gone down there, I see some of them are wearing really scruffy stuff, and that�s just the instructors! LOL! It�s difficult to know what to wear really.  My friend said she wore something revealing to please the examiner, and ended up with a female examiner!  Whoops!

Couldn�t eat breakfast.  Texted my best friend, she�s the only one who knows about this one.  Told my work I�ve got a dentist appointment.  My instructor texted me to remind me to bring both bits of the driving licence, yea, like I�m gonna forget that aren�t I?

And then it was the same old stuff again.  Instructor turns up, I�m embarrassed because my fingers are shaking, even my left leg wobbles, why does it do that?!  I pay him (again), what a rip off.  I then try and drive, but keep stalling, or I forget to put the clutch down when I change gear, and the stupid thing wont go in gear (he keeps telling me not to do automatics, but I think it would be so much easier).  This stupid lady this morning even bibbed me from behind because I didn�t turn left quick enough for her.  I hate it when they do that, everyone is so impatient these days, they have no respect for us learners.

I made sure I had a smoke this time though, outside the test place.  I think it did actually help my nerves, but I forgot to put the mints in my bag�. embarrassing.

Could not believe how quiet it was today.  I was really lucky, I think the mid-morning test is a good time, or I might just have been lucky.  Had a lady this time, she was really nice, kept saying �my lovely�, she sounded like my Mum!  But she still failed me.  I made someone slow down too much because I didn�t know I was in a 50.  Is that my fault?  Council should put more stupid signs up.  She didn�t mention about my stall, I knew I�d failed it after that stall.

I�m not sure I can do this much longer.  It doesn�t do my health any good, sometimes my heart goes so fast when I�m driving, I feel a bit dizzy.  That can�t be right can it?  So I suppose I�ve got to fork out another �100 now for another go�. it�s too expensive, I can�t afford to keep on failing.  I haven�t cried so much this time.  I never do in front of my instructor, but I haven�t cried that much at home this time either � I�m feeling more lonely and sad than want to cry.  I don�t know.  I think this testing business is stupid, my Mum said she passed first time after 8 lessons��WHAT?!

I see all these photos on Facebook with people holding up there pass, and it just makes me feel inadequate.  What is it about me that means I can�t pass the test?  Is it because whenever I take it, they need to have more fails to even up the pass rate?  The whole thing is just so unfair.  My best friend has told me to just book up another test as soon as they will let me � that�s another thing that annoys me, why can�t I just re-book a test straight away?  Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!  The whole thing is stupid! 

I hate driving tests.


BIG TOM Driving School   Intensive Driving Courses in Peterborough, Stamford, Spalding, Boston, Sleaford, and Grantham.

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