Drivers do not give way to pedestrians on zebra crossings in Bourne.

There we go.... I've said it.  And all the evidence suggests that I am far from alone in saying it too!  BIG TOM Driving School give driving lessons in Bourne, Peterborough, Grantham, Deeping, Stamford, Spalding and Sleaford and no-where else compares to Bourne for regularly seeing drivers not giving way to pedestrians on zebra crossings.  I work often 7 days a week on our roads, clocking up at least double the mileage of the average driver, and this particular issue is very much specific to Bourne, and very likely due to it being directly on the A15 north/south route.

My nearest zebra crossing is on the A15 near to the junction with Beaufort Drive in Bourne, just here  It is literally between the junctions of Beaufort Drive and Mill Drove.  Bourne has over 3000 pupils going to it's schools and this crossing is widely used by pupils attending the nearby Bourne Academy.

When this first came to my attention, I was under the impression that drivers not giving way to pedestrians on zebra crossings ("Failing to accord precedence" is the legal phrase for it) may be in some way related to an excessive speed where the driver literally doesn't spot the pedestrian(s).  But I'm afraid it does not appear to be that simple.

This morning, when walking my dog, we approached the crossing, and a car from my right (heading NORTH out of Bourne) stopped to give way to me (despite my feet not being actually ON the black and white bit of the crossing).  But my experience of this crossing has taught me to take care.  As I looked to my left a white hatchback and black mini sailed straight through the crossing.

I suspect it highly unlikely that those 2 drivers failed to spot me, my dog, the zebra crossing, AND the paused vehicle already at the crossing.  So what is going on?  I think the answer may have less to do with street "furniture", the law, or even speeding.  Let me explain further.

I contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership last year and conscious of the nearby "national" speed limit signs, was wondering if the answer may be to raise drivers' awareness of their speed on the approach to the pedestrian crossing.  Remember that for cars, the round white sign with black diagonal across it means a maximum speed of 60mph (although good advice is to drive to driving conditions rather than maximum speed limits).  My concern was that vehicles are either still in the process of decelerating from 60mph as they approach the crossing, or alternatively, from the other direction, beginning to accelerate before the crossing in knowledge that the national speed signs are nearby.  Either way, drivers minds are less in the mode of pedestrians crossing than they could otherwise be.  Gary Chance from Lincolnshire Police Community Speed Watch (01522 805822) was extremely helpful when I contacted him in explaining that 69 parishes across Lincolnshire had signed up to the Community Speed Watch scheme, and 41 of them had committed to purchasing "reactive speed signs".  Those are the signs that are quite common these days, and display your speed on the approach to a change of speed restriction.

When I relayed this information to Bourne Town Council the response I received was that not only are they not convinced that the reactive speed signs are in any way effective at reducing speed, but more than that, they were not even convinced that drivers in Bourne were speeding.  This is contrary to data from Bourne Neighbourhood Policing Team who state that the last speed survey conducted in Bourne indicated an average speed of 36mph in a 30mph.

My response to Bourne Town Council was to suggest that they put the feelers out with the community for which they serve, and ask local residents, School Patrol Officers etc what their opinion was on the subject.  In the absence of them taking that suggestion up, I then took advantage of my "Motoring" section in our local magazine "Discovering Bourne" and appealed to the locals to tell me their opinions and experiences.  I was inundated with responses.  Some spoke of speeding in other parts of Bourne, others spoke of drivers failing to give way to pedestrians on other zebra crossings in Bourne, and others mentioned the issue of "tailgating" from vehicles behind when they comply with the law, and drive at 30 in a 30.

But what I believe to be at the heart of this issue was demonstrated by the response of one very honest resident from the nearby village of Morton who will remain nameless but offered this opinion to me:

"..... I have to confess to being guilty of NOT giving way to a pedestrian occasionally.  Why? ..... because if I am approaching a crossing, with NOTHING behind me and NOTHING approaching me, surely the pedestrian should be capable of appreciating this and hold back to give the ONE car priority over them........ I hope that when you walk your dog and find yourself in that situation you are courteous enough to "give way". " 

Whatever your opinion of this remark is, the point that I would stress is that it is an honestly held belief and goes a long way to demonstrate how drivers attitudes differ with regards to complying with the law.  Perhaps more importantly, from a road safety point of view, what this also demonstrates is the necessity for the Police to enforce the law, as clearly when they do not, people begin to come to their own conclusions about how important compliance is.  

Many moons ago I did offer to my Learners my own opinion of how I would like to see them approaching zebra crossings on this video but I have requested Bourne Neighbourhood Policing Team to give us their definitive guide to the law on this matter. They have kindly agreed to in "Discovering Bourne". One of the key elements of this is whether a driver has the mindset of giving way when the pedestrian(s) APPROACH the zebra crossing, or only when their feet are physically ON the black/white of the crossing.

Time will tell.

If you have an opinion on zebra crossings in Bourne, please share your view.   

*UPDATE* 23/1/15  

Bourne Neighbourhood Policing Team have now confirmed that they will be increasing Police presence on this particular Zebra Crossing with use of a temporary reactive speed sign, speed gun and uniform presence.  I am sure I speak for many concerned Bourne residents when I say we very much look forward to seeing them.

*UPDATE* 1/7/15 

No Police presence of any kind seen in previous 6 months

*UPDATE*  30/9/15

4 sets of skid marks seen on the approach to the above zebra crossing.  One of which is 14 metres long from a tractor towing a trailer, doing emergency stop after parent and child were on zebra crossing.

BIG TOM Driving School in Bourne  Bookings: 01778 309 773

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