I write to question the legality and safety issues surrounding these e hailing mobile apps offered by Uber, Lyft and others. Today's on demand car ordering mobile apps are really no different from raising an arm and hailing a taxicab.
Conventionally, public would call a central dispatch facility and pre-arranged a reservation with a minimum time of 15minutes. The mobile apps differ because it is not an advance reservation, but rather it is an electronic hailing of a nearby motor vehicle. In most cases, these are non stationary vehicles who are driving up, down and around the Avenues. These short notice apps give 1 minute, 2 minute, 3 minute ETA, and resemble as a short notice hail- except is in an electronic format. These short notice ETA's are not prearranged reservations, and are questionable if they are operating on legal grounds. Uber, and Lyft are clearly operating an illegal taxicab style street hail in a silent electronic format of a Mobile App. Some of their�partners� are licensed and some are unlicensed Town Cars Partners with out of state tags function as hailing taxicabs. Some of these Town Cars are not even registered in the City of NY ,but yet continue to do point to point for hire transportation within NYC. These Town Cars are not insured nor are they licensed as medallion taxicabs- yet they directly compete with licensed yellow medallion Taxi cabs on street hails . For these reasons, in Chicago, DC, Dallas, Paris, Denver,Miami, Portland, and many other cities, regulators have made and or are in process of making a 15-30minute prearrangement rule in order to DE-conflict and distinguish between official taxi cabs and those who operate as taxi services in disguise without being properly licensed as one. This is why prearrangment and hails need to be clarified, differentiated and we shall clear the vague and blurred language. These E-hailing black cars are also distracted and overwhelmed with distractions which put public safety at risk.

These drivers are risking motor, pedestrian, and bicyclist safety as they are driving while diverting eye sight away from the road and placing them onto the I phone as they attempt to accept trips, and acknowledge it as a REAL TIME dispatcher. The distraction caused by additional duties of a dispatcher and telephone customer service representative on these non stationary vehicles make our streets even more unsafe. These drivers are constantly under pressure calling riders immediately upon accepting trip in order to prevent cancellations. These drivers have to accept trips, call and answer their text messages on a short notice are plainly additional stressful duties in a very busy city. These additional duties continue to distract drivers even if they cancel a ride, because customers continue to call about the cancellations. Please refer to Eugene Weixel article �Taxi calling apps are making our streets even more unsafe�. These in car distractions have contributed to deaths in many cities where the drivers were operating these ON DEMAND car service mobile apps. For these reasons, I suggest a minimum of prearranged rule of 15minutes in Manhattan and mobile apps modified to function as true reservation apps and not electronic Hails. In addition, these companies should have a dispatch center which can handle dispatcher and customer service related issues and relieve these duties from the distracted drivers.
I have been licensed by the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission with a hack license, I have never had public complaints as I have driven a taxicab, black car, limousine or any for hire vehicle in New York City. I have served honorably as an enlisted in 109th Quartermaster Company and as an officer in 258th Field Artillery NY ARG (US Armed Forces). My family has served the New Yorkers with taxis and For Hire Transportation since 1980 without problems what so ever.
Please refer to MLA citations
I believe that my findings about Uber, Lyft and these mobile apps are accurate and unbiased, and I reference some reputable and oldest transportation service providers of New York City, who may agree on everything herein.


Pandodaily: �Uber driver hits,kills 6 year old girl. Is �Not our problem�.still an appropriate response?� Pandodaily. 2014. web. January 2014. <http://pando.com/2014/01/02/uber-driver-hits-kills-6-year-old-girl-is-not-our-problem-still-an-appropriate-response/>

The Verge:�Uber up in arms over French taxi Law delaying pickup times�. The Verge. 2014. web. January 2014.<http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/18/5221428/uber-surge-pricing-vs-price-gouging-law>

The Denver Post: �Hickenlooper, Uber challenge judge's proposed burdensome Rules�. The Denver Post. web. August 2013. <http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_23921344/hickenlooper-uber-challenge-judges-proposed-burdensome-rules>

The New York Daily News: �Miniscule percentage of New Yorkers using taxi 'e hail' app�. The New York Daily News. 2013. Web. August 2013.<http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/miniscule-percentage-new-yorkers-taxi-e-hail-app-article-1.1419137>

The New York Daily News: �New e-hail taxi app is an e-failure-at least until more cabbies get it�. The New York Daily News. 2013. web. August 2013.<http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/new-e-hail-taxi-app-e-failure-article-1.1332706>

The Guardian: �Taxi Calling- Apps like Hailo are making our streets even more unsafe�. The Guardian. 2013. web. August 2013. <http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/01/hailo-taxi-hailing-safety-concerns>

New York City. Taxi & Limousine Commission: �Chapter 54 rules Drivers of Taxicab and Street Hail Liveries�. New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission. Web. 2014. <http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/downloads/pdf/2011rulebook_ch54.pdf>

New York Times: �Distracted Driving and the Risks of Ride-Hailing Services Like Uber�.The New York Times. Web. December 2014

Business Insider: �People Are Asking Whether Uber Drivers cause More Accidents Because They Are Distracted Behind The Wheel� Business Insider. Web. December 2014. <http://www.businessinsider.com/apps-like-uber-could-be-a-serious-distraction-for-drivers-2014-12>

New York Post: �Driver who fatally struck golf instructor worked for Uber�
New York Post. Web. January 2015.

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