Scrutinizing the E-Hailing Transportation Apps UNEARNED revenue from the questionable and unethical cancellation fees.

Has anyone scrutinized the unearned revenue - known as CANCELLATION FEE? Uber and similiar E- hailing Transportation apps have been charging riders cancellation fees even when they are clearly in the wrong lane.
These unregulated E-hail Transportation apps claims to be revolutionizing the taxi industry but yet cannot answer their unfair method of charging riders cancellation fees- even when their drivers fail to respond to a ride request. Customer requests for a car- the closest car and driver is paired up with rider. Unfortunately, the riders are forced to cancel the ride request after waiting, waiting and waiting realizing that the driver is not moving toward our direction. In some cases the car driver begin to   move away opposite of our direction. Like most frustrated people, we CANCEL the ride request.
BANG- the rider is penalized $10.00 cancelation fee.

Why shall a rider be penalized a cancellation fee, when the driver is not responding to riders request, which is to start heading to the ride request? Ethical car services, limousine, taxi companies do not penalize their customers when they cannot assist rider.

When these E-hailing transportation app drivers CANCEL on the rider, why are the riders not being credited $10.00 fee towards their next ride? Can anyone of these tech giants answer these simple questions?

These Transpoartion E-hail app drivers can discriminate riders by canceling the rides and nothing is offered in return to stranded riders. However, the consumer is being screwed over and ripped off with questionable cancellation fees. Consumers are forced to cancel ride due to an Uber driver not arriving on time, drivers to be traveling in opposite direction of pickup address, driver neither moving towards pickup location and failing in answering their calls, and so many other reasons. Is it right to charge consumers a cancellation fee when Uber told us driver be there in five minutes as waiting for over 20minutes? Is it fair to pay cancellation fee as Uber driver begins to idle as we continue to wait and wait? In some cases, Uber drivers reported that one way to get free money is to travel in opposite direction to pickup address, causing a panic as consumers end up canceling ride. In another case, one driver reported that he lied to consumer by telling him that he needs another 20minutes because he is stuck in traffic in an attempt to get consumer to cancel ride and be charged ten dollars. Is it fair to hold consumer liable for cancellation fees when Uber cannot fulfill the basic agreement of sending a car within a specified time? Is it fair to charge consumer cancellation fee with sketchy and shady driver tactics causing consumer to cancel?
There are so many riders who have been wrongfully charged cancellation fees. If we calculate 1000 wrongfully cancellation fees on a daily basis, by 10 days Uber is robbing consumers $100,000 in unearned revenues. These wrongful cancellation fees require further scrutiny, and consumers need to be protected and reimbursed for such charges. Need more proof on this questionable and unearned revenue?

We can read about these cancellation fees online as consumers post their reviews. Many have complained about being charged ten dollars wrongfully, when these E-hailing app drivers failed to show up. Just simply surveying between friends and co workers, we found many to be cheated out of monies. These ten dollars can easily accumulate to hundred thousands to millions in unearned revenue. The online reviews posted by riders about these questionable and wrongful cancellation fees speak for themselves. It is time that we shed light onto this area of unearned revenue and end loophole that is robbing consumer's monies. These E-hailing apps may claim, no cash no hassle however the truth is no cash but credit card hassle.

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