All of the BIG TOM 5 steps to success are important for a driving instructor; they are in fact inter-dependent on each other in so far as each of them relies upon the others.  A successful driving school needs to have all 5 foundation blocks well established and fully running.

The contents of the BIG TOM �Pedagogy� foundation block has real gems contained within it to assist a driving instructor to facilitate learning for pupils.  The training will raise your awareness of tried and tested learning strategies that are globally well established.  At the core of our methodology are the techniques that you can adopt into your daily work that promotes pupil engagement and ensures the responsibilities for effective learning and maintaining safety are clearly defined.  Too often driving instructors are left to feel frustrated and even confused with outcomes where it is all too easy to point the blame with the pupil when in fact, some self-evaluation is actually what is needed.  It is for this reason that this foundation block is equally as relevant for trainee driving instructors as it is for already qualified driving instructors.

In order for trainee driving instructors to introduce these vital techniques to their pupils it is perfectly logical for them to be introduced and utilised while they go through their own self-improvement within their BIG TOM training.  As such you will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the power of these learning strategies so that you can develop them within your own pupil�s training.

Building effective working relationships with your pupils and their family members is an essential ingredient to maximise learning potential.  In �Pedagogy� you get to learn about obstacles to learning, how to identify them and handle the situation.  You will become very familiar with the key ingredients of an effective learning environment for various pupils, and you will be encouraged to identify your own personal preferences.  All of us like to learn in our own unique way and it is vitally important that you can assist your pupils in identifying and developing their own learning styles.

But we are very keen to stress that this content is not intended to be treated as a purely theoretical model of understanding the art of learning.  Far from it.  It is essential that you become confident in utilising these techniques within the car with varying pupil profiles.  As such, whilst it is sensible to make full use of the BIG TOM online support (@�10/hr) in order to raise your awareness, it is equally as important to practise the implementation of these techniques with our very realistic in-car role-playing service as well as developing them with real pupils (@�40/hr).  This is one area where BIG TOM training differs significantly from other training providers; our ability to assist you in converting the �theoretical� to the practical application that will significantly improve the learning environment you enjoy with your pupils.  If you need to see evidence of this fact then read these reviews from real, paying customers � CLICK HERE  It is this END PRODUCT that is the �value� in our work.  We can all theorise within our groups as PDI�s and ADI�s but we should ultimately be measured by the feedback that is received from the customer.  Whilst BIG TOM Driving School is a training provider for trainee driving instructors, rest assured that you are being trained to apply sound, reliable practices that are proven to get successful and positive outcomes for learner pupils.  It is this very point that distinguishes us from others.

In the process of your training in this foundation block you will become aware of understanding the importance of how meaningful the learning environment is between trainer and pupil.  Appreciating what is vital from moment to moment to ensure long term learning is taking place.  Our work has practical implications rather than academic, it is therefore essential that pupil and coach work together in a respectful, safe and harmonious environment that promotes road safety.

Your online training within this block offers you the opportunity to gain knowledge of 12 topics in pedagogy where you get access to reference material including real working documents and the opportunity to discuss and raise questions within a friendly online environment in real time using visual/audio.  Once you have a sound understanding of the topic, you are encouraged to practise these in life-like scenarios with your in-car training (film recorded if requested).  You are in total control of the pace, the duration and the number of topics that you practise � you do know after all how you like to learn best.  You can witness for yourself the power of these learning techniques while you develop your skills in pedagogy and your training outcomes are recorded.  You will find that this systematic and methodical approach is empowering and creates positive outcomes; the very outcomes that you will be creating for your own pupils.    

In summary, the �Pedagogy� foundation block introduces to you a professional approach to the transfer of learning that is based around skill sets.  It is the understanding of the value of techniques and incorporating them into your daily work that will make the difference to outcomes for your pupils.  It is after all the outcome as perceived by your pupil that is of the utmost importance rather than your own opinions.  This is what will ensure you have productive training sessions with satisfied, happy customers.  This is also what will ensure you are working within the guidelines of the DVSA Driving Standard and their assessments. 

Trainee Driving Instructor Training  Call Tara on 0775 607 1464 

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