I recall when I was a PDI how I would dearly have loved to have had the chance to see demonstrations of what my trainers were talking about.  It really does do something to the relationship when you can see your trainer effectively putting into practise what they are asking YOU to do!  I don't just mean seeing them in the role as a driving instructor, I mean, seeing them in the role as a driving instructor working with an actual pupil - now that would have been gold-dust to me.

Here at BIG TOM, the power of this is not lost on us.  You are welcome to come and observe.  Observing another from the back of the car can be extremely beneficial.  You have no immediate pressure on you to "perform" so you can sit back, see the structure, note the techniques, hear the responses from the pupils, you get instant feedback of the "feel" of the learning environment.  You will then find that you start imagining yourself in this situation, how you can do it, you start picturing yourself doing these actions, saying these things; this is all very very beneficial.

So get in touch with Tara on admin@BIGTOM.org.uk if you want to set this up. 

By the way, don't lose sight of this fact on your own pupils either (when that day arrives).  Your pupils will gain so much by visually seeing what you are referring to; the way you do the mirror checks, the timing of MSPSL on the approach to junctions, the methodical way you do the gear changes.  Sounds so obvious yes?  You will be amazed how many pupils are deprived of this most basic of learning opportunities. 

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