In the BIG TOM �Pedagogy� Foundation block, you will be introduced to the BIG TOM Self-Improvement Model.  This model is as appropriate for your own personal self-improvement as it will be for your pupils learning to drive.  The purpose of this blog is to introduce to you, as a trainee driving instructor, how this model can assist our pupils achieve goals.  Learning to drive is a unique experience because there are many variables that develop within the learning environment that make it fluid and fast changing.  Unlike many other learning experiences where the environment in which practise occurs is controllable and stable, with driving, there is a complexity to situations that often means there is more than one way to achieve a given goal.  This model enables pupils to recognise this fact and start to open their mind to the options available to achieve goals, practise making positive decisions and then reflecting on the outcomes to see if there is an opportunity to improve by re-assessing that situation.  Whilst it should be stated that not all pupils will respond to such a model for a variety of reasons, the advantage with this approach is that it is highly personal and develops a key skill that enables pupils to continue improving their driving competence post-test.

My intention here is not to devalue the model by way of a brief, superficial explanation.  To gain knowledge of the full power of this learning technique I would advise you to > sign up < to a BIG TOM �Pedagogy� webinar slot with Tara.

There is no limit as to how this can be applied in day to day working.  It not only has practical uses in conventional applications such as roundabouts, parking manoeuvres, meeting situations, emerging, but also in more complex situations where it assists in providing coping mechanisms for barriers to learning.  The model works equally well in achieving learning to manage driving situations as well as reflecting on driving actions.

I have used this model extensively for many years and can confidently state that with the right training in how to implement this into your pupil training, the outcomes for pupil development are incredibly powerful and will equip them for continued learning after they pass their driving test.

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