Our industry is the busiest I have ever known it be since I qualified in 2009 and it is showing no signs of changing.  But take a moment to think about how you are coping with these work levels.  It may not immediately be evident to you that you are under pressure.  Fitting in driving tests into your schedule, dealing with awkward customers, trying to maintain a family/work balance - all this is not easy.

When did you last have the chance to explain how you are feeling to someone who can correctly understand your line of work?  Yes, we all chat away to peers in test centres and tap away on keyboards in driving instructor Facebook Groups but what I am referring to is sitting down and having a proper 1:1 conversation about your work.
Reflection is ever so critical to do; it assists you in assessing your work performance, health, business, anxiety levels.  Often people will neglect this and only realise how much pressure they are under when they do actually "blow".  That is of course too late.  That involves severely affecting relationships; it consists of losing revenue, going to Doctors, letting down customers.

 Do get in touch.  I can assist you by listening to your concerns, allowing you to think things through methodically, offering an alternative approach here and there, sharing a joke, shedding a tear, venting frustration.
Our line of work is pretty unique; we are in a very isolated work environment where social interaction with peers is rare.  The problem with your Facebook groups et al. is they are public, and therefore you are unable to consider more profound thoughts about your working day often.  You probably do believe them, frequently possibly, but you are not expressing them and reflecting upon them.  It is when we start to deeply think about things that we get an opportunity to properly analyse, raise awareness, self-evaluate and discover ways to improve.  It benefits your health, your relationships with pupils and family, it takes pressure off your shoulders, and it helps to restore some basic human needs of self-worth, pride, integrity and socialising.

The online sessions are strictly confidential, private, recordable for later reference and available to you at �10/hr.  Please don't barge now, form an orderly queue.

Contact me on 0775 607 1464 to arrange a convenient time.

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