Recently there has a been dangerous Rogue App which is operating in the ground transportation industry under the labels "technology company", "referal of clients to limo companies", "taxi company referal agent". Perhaps the labels are really designed to bypass rules and regulations in almost every city of operation.The problem is that the regulators are not sure about the ground transportation industry themselves, and tend to almost buy into these labels.

Let me discuss how this Rogue App has fooled New York authorities and regulators. The company considered itself as a "Technology company" however it began to subcontract individual owner operators -NOT any livery companies. This technology company began to act as a central dispatch facility by giving out trips without having a central dispatch facility license.  Now this company was contacted by NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission, and the so called Technology company had to apply for a central dispatch facility license. This company never dispatched through a central facilty but rather connected customers directly with independant owner operators. So it clearly shows that neither is this company a technology company, and nether does it use any companies, and nor does it operate as a licensed dispatch facility. It gets more bizarre, it actually gives drivers e-hails-no prearrangement trips. Livery companies are not allowed to accept hails or e-hails in New York City.

The roles were deconclicted between For hire (Livery) companies  and Taxi cab by the regulators back since 1970's. Yellow Taxi Cabs in New York are not allowed to accept prearranged trips, and the Livery companies cannot accept Hails. However, this so called technology company or referal center began to offer the public  a silent form of hail, also known as ON DEMAND.  The on demand is more like 0min, 1min, 2 min, 3mins. A passenger can view the car moving towards him or her  on their iphone, and by hitting the button "request a car" - this sedan will pull up without trip processing through a  central dispatch facilty. This is an Electronic Hail aka E-Hail. This is certainly not prearrangement because is called or processed by central dispatch facility.  Almost in any city, a prearranged trip processed through a central dispatch is somewhat more like 15minutes and not 0min-1min, or 2mins.

This same Rogue app turned to Yellow taxis without New York City Taxi & Limousines Commissions permission. This Rogue App gave taxi cab drivers Iphones at JFK Airport lot and began to market " hail a yellow taxi cab". The Taxis in New York are governed to the point that drivers cannot even post pictures of their family on dashboard of their personal taxis-but yet this Rogue App begins to enter Taxi market without NYC TLC's permission. Only after NYC TLC threatened taxi drivers of their licenses being revoked using such iphone apps to accept hails or prearrangements, the Rogue App shut the operation. How more Bizarre does it get?

It gets more bizarre, as this Rogue App having audacity to Price Gouge New Yorkers during Sandy storm. The price gouging has been justified by this rogue app  as"free market system". They have been claiming that the industry has never been used to surge pricing for over 100 years and it is time to change all of this. Then this Rogue App has been arguing that the Taxi and Limousine industry is corrupted. What kind of Bullshit is this? For this reason, I believe that we need to educate our neighbors, freinds and families and inform them about this rogue. Dont let your neighbor become a victom of  price gouging..
I have created a nice decal, and would ask all who agree with me to post it onto your personal autmobiles.
Please order your Price Gouging sticker today for $1.99 (includes postage). 10% of proceeds will go to TLPA which has been outspoken as most other local associations and organizations remain silent.
I hope we can make a difference here.
Please contact me at

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